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How to Pay for an OLLI Class

If you were notified that you won an OLLI class through the lottery, you have 7 days from the notification to confirm your registration and pay for your class. Any classes not confirmed by the deadline will be released and you will lose your spot in the class. If you did not win, you are automatically placed on the waitlist.

Complete the following steps to confirm your registration, even if you do not owe any money.
  1. Login at the top-left corner with your username and password.
If you have forgotten your username or password, select the “Forgot your username? And Forgot your password?” in the Sign In box.
  1. Select REQUESTED CLASSES on the left-side menu.
  2. Click Pay Now for All Requests.
  3. Click Agree to Refund Policy.
  4. Scroll down and click Check Out.
  5. If you get a dialogue box about a time conflict with other classes, click OK to acknowledge the conflict. Call 307-268-3401 if you are not able to proceed.
  6. Pay for your class with a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. If you are paying with cash or a check, you must come to the OLLI office in the Nolte Gateway Center, room 408 to complete your registration.