Make a Donation
Donate to KEY and OLLI at Casper College
We accept donations to provide scholarships to campers or to support OLLI.
We accept donations to provide scholarships to campers or to support OLLI.
- Casper College provides educational camps to Wyoming youth. A gift to KEY or one of our other camps will provide scholarship dollars to students whose families struggle to pay the full cost of a camp.
- The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) is a vibrant and engaged learning community of people age 50+. A gift to OLLI will help OLLI offer quality programming now and in the future.
Please note in the comments to which program you are donating.
Funds are deposited with the Casper College Foundation. Donations are tax deductible eligible under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS code.
Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Funds are deposited with the Casper College Foundation. Donations are tax deductible eligible under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS code.
Thank you in advance for your generous support.